Our privacy policy

We are the UK’s leading dog welfare and rehoming charity. For over 50 years, we’ve promised never to put a healthy dog down. We keep our promises, and that includes treating your personal information with care.

This policy sets out how Dogs Trust uses your information to help further our work in protecting dog welfare. We want you to feel confident about your information and how we use it when you support our work and dogs in our care.

This policy covers all personal information collected by Dogs Trust. It applies to you if you interact with us, for example if:

  • You're a supporter of Dogs Trust (this includes donors, volunteers or if you rehome, foster or sponsor a dog)
  • You use any of our services
  • You visit any of our websites
  • You email, call or write to us.

Our privacy and cookie policy may change from time to time. To keep up to date, visit these pages occasionally.

If you have any questions relating to this policy or how we use your personal information, please contact the Data Protection Team:

Last updated 6th September 2023.

Who are ‘we’?

In this policy, whenever you see the words ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ or ‘Dogs Trust’, it refers to Dogs Trust, (registered charity number 227523 in England and SC037843 in Scotland). Dogs Trust is the data controller responsi...

What data do we collect?

Depending on how you interact with Dogs Trust, we might collect your personal information to help us provide and improve our services as a charity and to keep a record of our communications with you. The information w...

Where we collect your data

Dogs Trust will process your personal information when you:

  • Rehome or foster a dog;
  • Take part in a Dog School training class;
  • Use one of our Pet Food Banks;
  • Sign up for publications ...

Our legal basis for collecting data

We always make sure that we have a valid ground for processing your personal information. Depending on the circumstances in which it has been collected and used, we rely on one of the following legal bases:

When we use legitimate interest

Legitimate interest is a legal ground for processing your data. It means that our use of your information must be fair and balanced to ensure we consider your privacy rights and interests as an individual.


Children and vulnerable people


We are happy to have the support of children and young people who want to fundraise for us, or who engage with the work of our Education Team through


We are happy to have the support of children and young people who want to fundraise for us, or who engage with the work of our Education Team through Learn with Dogs Trust or in schools. We may therefore need to collect and store their personal information. Children should always ask a parent or guardian for permission before sending personal information to anyone online.

If you are planning to rehome a dog, we will collect information on whether there are children in your household and their ages to make sure we match you with the right dog.

For those under 16, where appropriate we may seek consent from a parent, guardian or carer before collecting their information.

Vulnerable People

We care about the safety of vulnerable persons and, while we welcome their support, we also work hard to ensure we are meeting their needs while upholding their rights. To do so, we might collect information to enable us to recognise and respond to the needs of a vulnerable person.

We abide by regulatory guidance on fundraising with people in vulnerable circumstances.

If you think Dogs Trust has interacted with a vulnerable person and have any concerns, please get in touch with our Supporter Services team. Note that we may ask for identification if you are acting on behalf of a vulnerable person.

Accuracy, profiling and analysis


To improve the relevance of the communications we send you, and to ensure we are using your information efficiently, we check, analyse and enhance your personal information.

From time to...

How we use your data

In brief, we process your personal information to help us effectively improve dog welfare in the UK and abroad, provide our charitable services, comply with the law and to help us raise funds for our charitable servic...

How we secure your data

We are committed to keeping your information safe. Policy and processes have been designed to govern how we manage your personal information and we have invested in training on this for all our staff. Our staff comple...

How we disclose and share your data

We share personal information within our organisation, this includes Dogs Trust; Dogs Trust Limited (Ireland), registered charity number 20057978; Dogs Trust Worldwide, registered charity number 1167663; and Dogs Trus...

How long we keep your data

We will retain personal information for different periods of time depending on your relationship with us and in line with our Retention Policy and Schedules, relevant laws and best practice recommendations. Once we no...

Your data protection rights

You have a number of rights under data protection legislation.

Your right of access

You have the right know what information we hold about you and you can request to see it verbally or in writing...

Contact us, and what to do if you’re not happy

Changing your communication preferences

Please help us get things right by telling us when your contact details and other personal information changes. You can change your communication preferences or opt-...

Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
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Our privacy policy