Our work around the world

Our global work enables us to create big, positive and sustainable changes in dog welfare across the world.

A dog laying in the sun as part of our international work

During our 130 years, as well as undertaking our range of important work in the UK, we have also established a global Dogs Trust community, sharing our expertise around the world.  

Dogs Trust Worldwide

Dogs Trust Worldwide supports projects around the globe — in places including Thailand, India and Sri Lanka — enable us to share our knowledge and expertise, helping to make big, positive and sustainable changes to dog welfare. 

Dogs Trust Bosnia

Our programme in Bosnia works with local partners in Bosnia to support the establishment of a law-compliant, humane and sustainable Dog Population Management System.  

Dogs Trust USA

Since 2018, our affiliate organisation Dogs Trust USA has supported 30 rescue organisations and shelters across the USA. providing over $1 million in grants and sharing expertise. In 2021, the charity significantly expanded efforts with ambitious plans to offer on-the-ground support and training to US shelter organisations and dog owners and currently has programs in New York and California. 

Dogs Trust Ireland

As Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, Dogs Trust Ireland is committed to making Ireland a safe and happy place for dogs. We work with communities across the country to educate, inspire and motivate people to act in the name of canine welfare. Through our Dublin-based Rehoming Centre and Regional Rehoming Programme — as well as campaigning, lobbying and education work in every county in Ireland — Dogs Trust Ireland plays a vital role in improving the lives of dogs.

Our work in Cambodia

We're campaigning in Cambodia to protect dogs against rabies

The biggest charity rabies vaccination drive in Cambodia started in Phnom Penh this week through Mission Rabies.

Help us reach more dogs worldwide

We know that our international work is a powerful force for good in dog welfare. Our mission is to collaborate far and wide, and make sure we benefit as many dogs as possible:

  • to change attitudes and behaviours
  • to introduce sustainable and humane population management practices
  • to work towards permanently eradicating canine-mediated rabies and
  • to raise dog welfare standards globally.  

Will you support our work to make this happen?  

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